Friday, August 13, 2010

Peter Pan Ariel

Peter pan - ARIEL.

He is so talented. His vocal is amazing! He is so stylist and yet humble person.

Unfortunately, recently his private life was exposed and disclosed by a unauthorized personal which directly distroyed his bright future!

In my opinion,everybody had done mistake. Everybody had thier own privacy! He had his right to keep his own 'collection' as i didn't see any problem with that. He didn't harm anyone else. Why these people want to distroy his life? Is that due to jeolousy?

As a human being, we all like something curious and special. But, i think this act is too much to harm a future star. Don't you think everybody has their own dirty laundry that he wishes nobody will interrupt his privacy?!!!

Greed, Hatrate, Jealousy,Selfish and Ignorant! These are the culprits of all the mishaps!!

Please think again. If someone do it to us the same way he does to other, what do one feel?

I hope he is fine and may all us learn from this example.

Be compassion to people then only people with treat the same to us! THINK!